I love recipe exchanges. You never know where the recipes are going to come from – they’re always vastly different from my own cooking style, and provide great inspiration for the kitchen. I received the initial email from my friend Rebecca, and this was the recipe I thought to send off. I posted it a […]
Raspberry Yogurt Cake
As promised… (ahem, nevermind that I promised this months ago) the cake I love to make, using Clotilde’s recipe for Gâteau au Yaourt which she makes with raspberries. Of course I’ve made my own adjustments, since the genius of this French staple is that you buy a tub of yogurt, and then use that as your measuring […]
Sherwood Sourdough Starter
My in-laws have been visiting this week, and that means lots of good eating. J.’s parents are famous in my book for their fabulous Sunday crepe lunches, where J.’s dad does the crepe-flipping like a pro, and his mum sets out her white sauce, fruit sauce, fruit salad, and of course, the cottage cheese.